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Regular price €569,00 EUR
Regular price €679,00 EUR Sale price €569,00 EUR
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  • Fast wing
  • Ultra rigid design
  • Low ratio : Compact Shape and design
  • Rigid and comfortable 3 handles
  • Reinforcements on key positions
  • Good stability and durability
  • Windows to facilitate navigation
  • Stylish wing bag & repair kit are included

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4 total reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Power & Balance Wing

First impression when you open the wing is the material of leading edge and strut, looks very strong so it means when the wing is inflated is really rock solid. The canopy it triple ripstop with 2 Windows.
At the moment to inflate it you notice the "one pump" system so you can forget to inflate the strut separate, connect your pump , pump hard and you will have your wing ready to rock.
Once you make it fly, first impressions are the rigid handles you have total control of the wing, also you have connections for harness rope, next thing is the rigidity of the wing, I have to say is the more solid frame I have tried at the moment.
Riding , again the feeling is Rigidity, super powerfull , if you find the correct gust just pull the back handle and you are flying , easy to control by the rigid handles means direct connection with the wing, spin this wing is a pleasure , the compact shape allows the tips don't touch the water easy even on big sizes. On surf the wing is really stable and balanced, so you can surf and forget the wing, Im not a freestyler but if you are at the top end of the wing looks like it can pull you really hight, racing the power seams like it haven't limit, more speed you get more power you receive from the wing, nice wing, nice construction and best price

First wing feeling and love it 🤗🤙🏻

First time wingfoiling with my windsurf experience, and with Gofkoooo it have been very very easy. Great control. The wing is really well build with very good quality of material. Good power with 3 handles well positioned. Conclusion: loved it and already in process to order 2 Gofkoooo Wings 🤘🏻👌🏻😎 best price / quality / control & power of the market. Many thanks guys for this great work !

Oliver Stevens
Nice wing with good price

Super balanced and super powerful. Rigid leading edge doesn't allow the wing to flex and that's what gives this 4x4 feel. Simple and clean design only with 3 handles makes everything straight forward back handle for maximum boost and middle is for easy crossing and more upwind performance. More importantly, affordable price comparing to the wonderful quality, great deal.

Christian Jäger

Ich war auf der Suche nach einem guten, aber auch preiswerten Wing. Das Angebot im Markt ist wirklich riesig. Als ich Gofkoooo Wing auf dem Wasser sah und dann am Strand, war ich wirklich sehr über die gute Verarbeitung und Qualität überrascht. Niemals zuvor hatte ich von dieser Marke gehört. Spontan entschloss ich mich einen Wing zu erwerben. Meine Erfahrung auf dem Wasser bestätigte mir den guten Eindruck. Er ist leicht, robust und bringt Power im unteren Windbereich und ist im oberen Windbereich noch sehr gut zu kontrollieren. Auch das umdrehen im Wasser geht sehr leicht. Wer einen leistungsfähigen und robusten Wing für ein top Preis-Leistungsverhältnis sucht, für den ist Gofkoooo0 Wing eine sehr gute Wahl!

  • All-rounded

    It is super balanced and powerful. It has very direct on and off power delivery which makes your ride very easy to handle. Ideal for all surfers, from the explorers to the professionals.

  • Powerful Performance

    It is a fast wing. Stable V shape wing – easy when riding the wave. Powerful profile at low speed which will be easy to take off. Also, a compact shape to avoid touch downs.

  • Rigid & Comfortable Handles

    Strut with only 3 handles for maximum comfort and simplicity. Also a front handle to handle maximum depower for ultra safety.

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  • Superior Materials

    Using Techfiber Triple Ripstop for the canopy sail and Dimension Polyant for the leading edge & struts. Making the wings much more reactive and powerful. Creating good stability and outstanding durability.

  • Windows & One-Pump System

    Windows are well positioned to facilitate navigation for safe flying. Double inflation system makes it easy to inflate and deflate.

  • Easy to Travel

    It is very light, compact, accessible and efficient. From beginner to the expert, whatever the conditions of the day. It can be easily packed into a stylish backpack for all surfers easy to travel with.

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